Dental care Tips

Good oral health habits that start at an early age lead to lifelong health benefits. Getting your children actively involved in taking care of their teeth and gums improves their oral health that will continue to affect their overall well-being the rest of their lives.
Oral care training should start as soon as possible under your guidance. This increases the chance of your child making oral care a habit for life carrying, along its good and healthy effects up to adulthood.
Here are some DENTAL CARE TIPS we’d like to share with you. Remember to make them a habit by starting early.
The mindset your child will have towards oral care is important. Especially when it comes to three specific things:

An Important Routine
Even while your baby still doesn’t have any teeth, it’s a good idea to get him/her used to having his/her mouth cleaned. At this early stage, there’s no need to use any toothpaste yet; bacteria in the mouth usually can’t harm the gums before the baby teeth come out. Wipe the gums off with a clean, wet washcloth or some damp gauze wrapped around your finger. It’s a way of introducing your child to the daily routine of dental hygiene.

Visiting the Dentist
It’s essential to set your child’s mind at ease about visiting the dentist, so your child’s first-ever visit is important. An emergency shouldn’t be the cause of her first trip to the dentist. Planning ahead to allow leeway in terms of time is a good thing. Trust between your child and the dentist is important and that takes time. The goal is for baby to learn the importance of visiting the dentist in a comfortable and relaxed manner.
The time for this first mandatory visit to the dentist comes at the age of one or two. A short and friendly visit is ideal to make a good first impression. In case your child is uncomfortable about going, re-schedule the visit rather than force your child to go. It’s crucial to make the visit positively memorable and even fun!

Tooth Brushing Time
Tooth brushing time could be an opportunity for bonding and fun. We recommend that you foster an attitude of excitement towards the task. You can sing songs while teaching your child the up-and-down technique. If you have something more creative and fun in mind, feel free to apply them. The aim is to find out what works best. Each moment is an opportunity to bond with your child and at the same time, a chance to pass on valuable knowledge on oral care. Despite the fun, don’t forget the importance to instill the proper technique and its necessity.
What baby eats contributes to the health of baby’s mouth. If you can introduce your child to a healthy and balanced diet at a young age, the effects would be priceless. Fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients are at the top of the list. As much as possible, processed foods and snacks high in sugars should be avoided.
Always remember to not let that bottle of milk or juice stay in your child’s mouth while she’s sleeping. These liquids contain sugars that will form acids causing tooth decay.

Oral Care Methods
- Watch out for signs of teething. Common signs are red cheeks or rashes, drooling, restlessness, irritability and loss of appetite. Teething usually begins at about 6 months of age. You may apply SansFluo Natural Teething Gel along the parts where teething is present. The Teething Gel will produce a cooling effect easing the discomfort caused by pain and inflammation. Having a handy classic teether will also help.

- Caring for your baby’s teeth as soon as they come out is important. As the first of baby’s pearls begin to show, you may start using a SansFluo Finger Toothbrush and Gum Massager. Massaging the gums promotes good blood circulation and healthy gums.

- Have the right toothbrush for the right age. There is always one appropriate for baby. Soft bristles are a necessary quality in a child’s toothbrush. Toothbrush replacement should be made every three months or after a sickness.
Specific Tips
- Always clean baby’s teeth after feeding. The SansFluo Natural Tooth and Gum Wipe comes handy in cleaning baby’s gums and tongue. A clean cloth dampened in clean water could be an alternative.
- Baby’s mouth must be clean before sleeping to prevent bacteria from thriving. Use of SansFluo Natural Xylitol Swab twice a day. It is applied in baby’s mouth once in the morning upon waking up and then once in the evening before bedtime.
- Brush baby’s teeth in the morning and before bedtime. Bacteria is most active during those times.
- Brush baby’s tongue as well. Do it gently. Stop half-way through to avoid gagging.
- Time to start using the floss when baby’s teeth begin touching each other. Do this once a day at night before bedtime.
- Teach your child how to brush on his/her own starting at the age of two. At first, you will do most of the work since children under the age of eight are unable to thoroughly clean their mouths. Slowly but surely, allow your child to brush more and more as time goes by until eventually, your little one can responsibly take charge of his/her own set of teeth. When that day arrives, give yourself a pat on the back for superb parenting skills.
Step-By-Step On How To Brush
- Have your child lie down on your lap supporting her head and back. This also puts you in a good position where you can brush the molars thoroughly.
- Apply toothgel on toohthbrush. For toothbrush, SansFluo Pen Grip Toothbrush is recommended. It’s long, thin handle allows for an easy way for you to reach and clean baby’s molars. For toothgel, SansFluo Natural Toothgel Cleaner is preferred.
- Brush all teeth surfaces and do so gently.